Eco International

Green is the prime color of the world

Carbon Offset System

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Replace your Carbon usage with trees

“I declare this world is so beautiful that I can hardly believe it exists.” The beauty of nature can have a profound effect upon our senses, those gateways from the outer world to the inner, whether it results in disbelief in its very existence as Emerson notes, or feelings such as awe, wonder, or amazement. 

I declare this world is so beautiful that I can hardly believe it exists

Change the world and save the planet

My work explores and reveals the invisible, inviting the viewer to look beyond the seen to appreciate the beauty and mystery of the unseen.

9 Things You Can Do to Save the Environment

By no means am I suggesting that I am the next superhero of the environment (although that would make for an excellent Halloween costume). However, I like to believe that many of us, when equipped with information, will do the right thing. Here are the top 9 things you can do to save the planet, with or without a green cape:


Change your driving habits

We don’t all have the luxury of walking everywhere, but vehicles are the biggest compromise to our air. Those tailpipes are at street level



Notice how you use water

We have a lot of water in Canada, but we also use a lot of water, and 65% of what we use is in the bathroom. Have shorter showers.



Reduce paper in your life.

Do you know that 40% of the world’s commercially cut timber is used for paper? This endangers natural habitats and uses a ton of water.



Use a refillable water bottle

Bottled water and throw away packaging is wasteful. Landfills are overfilling with water bottles alone. It is also estimated that 3 litres



Borrow or fix rather than buy

Buying throwaway fashion is detrimental for the environment – 1 kg of fabric generates 23 kg of greenhouse gases! Start thinking about



Stop eating So Many meat

The Environmental Working Group found that red meat is responsible for 10 to 40 times as many greenhouse emissions as common vegetables


Current projects

Implementing phosphorus management best practices (such as replacing chemical fertilizers with compost, properly disposing of pet waste

Forest Cleanup
National Parks
Clean Waters
become a Volunteer

Save The World!

Replace your carbon usage with plants that will absorb that Carbon Dioxide that you have breathed or used as fuel in in the things you have bought.

With Earth Day

We just don't work with tress, but with all types of plants and other green technology to improve the planet.
"Going Green"

The air smells sweeter

Whether you call it nature travel, sustainable travel or responsible ecotourism, there’s something incredibly potent, powerful, and cleansing about getting away from the hustle and bustle of the city. 

"Though We Travel The World Over To Find The Beautiful, We Must Carry It With Us, Or We Find It Not."

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Save The World!

Invest your carbon usage with plants that will absorb that Carbon Dioxide that you have breathed or used as fuel in in the things you have bought.



